Every Wednesday we will give away a new book. For a chance to win, just fill out the form at the bottom of the page and you'll be entered into a drawing. The drawing will run from Wednesday through 11:59 PM Sunday. Winners will be announced on Mondays. (Note: you must be a Fresno County resident to be eligible for Win it Wednesdays.)
Overview, Young Explorer's Edition: A New Way of Seeing Earth
by Benjamin Grant
When astronauts look down at our planet and see its vibrant surface shining against the blackness of space, they experience the Overview Effect--a sense of awe, an awareness that everything is interconnected, and an overwhelming desire to take care of our one and only home.
Overview: Young Explorer's Edition captures this sense of wonder and shares it with readers without having to leave the ground. Extraordinary aerial photographs reveal Earth's natural beauty and show the surprising, fascinating, and destructive ways humans have impacted our environment. This eye-opening visual journey will forever change the way we see our home planet.
Congratulations Kathryn K., you are our Win it Wednesday winner!