Every Wednesday we will give away a new book. For a chance to win, just fill out the form at the bottom of the page and you'll be entered into a drawing. The drawing will run from Wednesday through 11:59 PM Sunday. Winners will be announced on Mondays. (Note: you must be a Fresno County resident to be eligible for Win it Wednesdays.)
by Ross Welford
There are stories about people who want to live forever. This is not one of those stories. Alfie Monk is like any other nearly teenage boy except he's 1,000 years old and can remember the last Viking invasion of England. Obviously, no one believes him.
So when everything Alfie knows and loves is destroyed in a fire, and the modern world comes crashing in, Alfie embarks on a mission to find friendship, acceptance, and a way to reverse immortality and grow up like a regular boy.
Congratulations Alex D., you are our Win it Wednesday winner!