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Friday, May 28, 2021

Whats' New in Kids Books! May

Need some great new kids' books in your life? Miss Alyssa and Miss Teresa are highlighting some new kids' books for all ages of readers, in all genres!

Here are all the books discussed in the video: Uni paints a rainbow - Rosenthal, Amy Krouse Dog breath the horrible trouble with Hally Tosis - Pilkey, Dav Meesha makes friends - Percival, Tom The power of yet - Cocca-Leffler, Maryann Shy Willow - Min, Cat I am not a penguin: a pangolin's lament - Wong, Liz Laxmi's mooch - Anand, Shelly Mustache duckstache - Young, Amy Velociraptors - Emmons, Scott Teamwork wins! - Cena, John The Evil Princess vs. the Brave Knight make good choices? - Holm, Jennifer L. Ratty tattletale - LaReau, Kara Starla Jean: which came first: the chicken or the friendship? - Arnold, Elana K. Sydney & Taylor explore the whole wide world - Davies, Jacqueline Super Mario Bros. manga mania - Sawada, Yukio Allergic - Lloyd, Megan Wagner The first case - Gumpaw, Felix Pepper Page saves the universe! - Walker, Landry Q. Try it! : how Frieda Caplan changed the way we eat - Rockliff, Mara The wisdom of trees: how trees work together to form a natural kingdom - Judge, Lita How to draw Star Wars - Truman, Francesca First friend: how dogs evolved from wolves to become our best friends - Hamilton, Kersten Simon B. Rhymin' - Reed, Dwayne The world between blinks - Kaufman, Amie The elephant in the room - Sloan, Holly Goldberg Houdini and me - Gutman, Dan