Every Wednesday we will give away a new book. For a chance to win,
just fill out the form at the bottom of the page and you'll be entered
into a drawing. The drawing will run from Wednesday through 11:59 PM
Friday and winners will be announced on Mondays. (Note: you must be a
Fresno County resident to be eligible for Win it Wednesdays.)
Win it Wednesday: Knights of the Borrowed Dark by Dave Rudden

Denizen Hardwick is an orphan, and his life is, well, normal. Sure, in storybooks orphans are rescued from drudgery when they discover they are a wizard or a warrior or a prophesied king. But this is real life—orphans are just kids without parents. At least that’s what Denizen thought...
On a particularly dark night, the gates of Crosscaper Orphanage open to a car that growls with power. The car and the man in it retrieve Denizen with the promise of introducing him to a long-lost aunt. But on the ride into the city, they are attacked. Denizen learns that monsters can grow out of the shadows. And there is an ancient order of knights who keep them at bay. Denizen has a unique connection to these knights, but everything they tell him feels like a half-truth. If Denizen joins the order, is he fulfilling his destiny or turning his back on everything his family did to keep him alive?
Congratulations Tessa K., you have won the latest Win it Wednesday!